Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Wow! It's been a while. We have been very busy. Homecoming at my daughter's school was last weekend, so we were decorating and preparing for that and the dance. I finished the hat for my nephew, now I am working on the one for my son. The DD's boyfriend wants another and the nephew want another. Don't these kids know I have Christmas presents to make? I haven't even started the stockings for my parents. Oh well, I can only do so much.

1 comment:

Laura Neal said...

I say make them wait. Or, you could do what I do for family members who are making a pain of themselves. Tell them the first one is free and any after that, well, cough up the cash and I will knit. Otherwise, go away. I charge family members $20 for a second pair of socks. If they really want them, they will pay for them. :)

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