Friday, January 04, 2008

It's next year already!?!

Well, here we go. It's next year already. I've been saying "next year" for two months now, and here we go. I started this year with knitting for self. Not a good way to start it off for knitting for Christmas gifts, :( , I've got 355 days though so it's all good! I have started socks for the son and a scarf for my niece. Although I probably won't keep them til Christmas, if I get them done.

The Longhorn lovin' son loved the hat and gloves and was thrilled that they matched his new coat. I got done everything for Christmas except my dad's socks; I had one and a half finished by Christmas eve and wrapped them as is. He opened them, still on the needles, and got a big kick out of it. He asked if he had to finish them himself. It was worth the laugh. I finished them the day after Christmas and he was thrilled. I am determined to have something handmade for everyone THIS year for Christmas!! Mark my words; and remind me when I'm mad at myself for not getting it all finished!


gypsyknits said...

Knitting for self? Here you go again...........

gypsyknits said...

you have been tagged with a meme on my blog. head there and follow the directons. Kind of fun. Keep knitting.

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